
User Account Control In Windows 7

User Account Control (UAC) is a security tool first introduced with Windows Vista. The purpose of UAC is to enable you to log on and operate the computer with a more secure standard user account. When you want to perform an operation that could arise a security risk on your Windows 7 computer, UAC requires that you enter an administrator account password before it proceeds. This system offers a greatly increased level of security, especially to computers that are not protected as part of a network domain.

In Windows 7 when UAC is enable, as it is by default, clicking a command that requires administrator approval at that UAC security level opens the User Account Control message box. When you’re logged on as an administrator, Windows requests only that you acknowledge the security prompt; you don’t need to enter your password.

To continue with the restricted operation: If you’re logged on as a standard user, click one of the administrator accounts, enter password, and then click Yes. If you’re logged on as an administrator, click on Yes.

User Account Control message box appears only when a application tries to make changes to your Windows 7 computer, and not when you make changes to Windows settings, as you will be doing when working through the exercises. If User Account Control is set to Always Notify and a User Account Control message box appears, you will need to provide the requested credentials or acknowledgment.